Table of contents

Architecture Capability Framework

This page is being drafted, but we wanted to share the information we’d gathered as soon as it was available. If you have any comments, please contact the architecture profession)


This framework provides an outline of the roles, skills and experience that architects working within DfE have or would like to build.

We have published the our DfE architecture capability framework, focused initially on our enterprise, solution, technical and security architect roles. This will be expanded to include other architecture roles soon.

On these guidance pages, we summarise information in the framework, and describe some of the pathways into architecture and how to develop an architecture career.

The framework should help also people working and interacting with architects understand what we do and how we do it.

It builds on the GOV.UK DDaT Capability Framework, extending the various skills, levels and mastery for the context of DfE.

[Add examples for other architect roles]


[Add standard deliverables, expectations at different levels, links to professional objective template]

Learning and development

Architects can find a multitude of self-serve learning and development resources on the architecture toolkit. If you have any specific needs, or would like to set up some shadowing, coaching or mentoring, come and talk to the profession team.


The architecture community is there to support you in your developing your skills and experience. There are regular masterclasses and knowledge sharing sessions, as well as opportunities to hear from and engage with our suppliers. head over to the architecture community page to read more.

Pathways into architecture

Here are some examples of how architects come into the profession and what the career pathways might look like:

Image of the pathways into architecture

You can also download a PDF version of this architecture pathway map.

[Add detail on DDaT pathways + DfE - from business analysis, development / DevOps, technical roles]


[Add case studies for Enterprise / Solution / Technical / Data Architect]

For more information, or for help finding an architect for your project, contact the architecture profession